Wednesday 30 October 2013


"Try to imagine a life without timekeeping. 
You probably can't. You know the month, the year, the day of the week. There is a clock on your wall or the dashboard of your car. You have a schedule, a calender, a time for dinner or a movie. Yet all around you, timekeeping is ignored. Birds are not late. A dog does not check its watch. Deer do not fret over passing birthdays. 
Man alone measure time. 
Man alone chimes the hour. 
And, because of this, man alone suffers a paralyzing fear that no other creature endures. 
A fear of time running out."
- Mitch Albom "The Time Keeper"

a fear of time running out,
sadly true.

Tuesday 29 October 2013


I missed Eason Chan's concert, 
will miss Vanessa's Vanesday in Supplies Surprise Bazaar,
Leessang's show case next year,
Soda Green's concert next year,
lai minhou's 21st birthday, berpei's 21st birthday, jojo's 21st birthday,
mummy's 59th birthday,
Chinese New Year,
Christmas's at home, (though we don't celebrate)
random meeting ups,
grandma's food and skye's paw.

but anyway I'll make the fullest of the two years I'm going to spend here,
starting off with going to the gym everyday,
and applying moisturizer every night,
and squash once a while,
visiting places that appears on televisions and books,
volunteering (hopefully i find the courage to commit wtf lazy girl),
celebrating christmas in germany,
taking lotsa lotsa and lotsa pictures,
and drink lotsa warm water.

am now in a mission of searching leafy vegetables.
and in search of depths of life. 
good luck wtf 

i'm off studying autism spectrum now.

(hahahahaha!! got happy or not!! :D)

Sunday 27 October 2013


this morning I woke up and checked the time from my phone.
and when I walked to my desk and read the time on my watch,
where did my one hour go??!!
and that was when I finally realized daylight saving starts today.
Brief synopsis:
"The idea of "Daylight Saving Times" (DST) was proposed by George Vernon Hudson in 1985. DST was first implemented in Germany and Austria-Hungary on 30 April 1916. A lot of countries uses DST at various times since then. The whole concept of DST is to let people enjoy more sun and enable people to fully utilize daylights in the winters and autumns when sunlight is more scarce. 
Adding daylight to evenings benefits retailing, sports and other activities that exploit sunlight after working hours."

and that was when I realized we're now eight hours apart
why make skyping so hard wor :(
at the same time this is kinda exciting hehe!

I'm reminding myself to say "pardon" instead of "what" so constantly i'm going to have a stomachache.

Friday 25 October 2013

little updates

1. made a friend from HELP. such a coincidence and what a shame we didn't discover her till week2.
she's an Indian and sometimes when I talk to her, I talk too fast and suddenly I'm talking in Chinese,
and suddenly I realized she does not understand Chinese.

2. I don't have a full-length mirror in my room. which is causing me problems. Sometimes I annoy my housemates by asking them how do I look and continually changing and asking and changing again if I think I look weird. Other times I check my attire at the glass walls near the bus-stop. Other times I'll talk to laiminhou and see if i look ok through skype webcam T_T

3. Watched Cats yesterday night. 好欢乐好喜欢哦. goosebumps crept all over myself when I finally finally got to listen to the live version. and how spectacular and amazing the musical was. the colours, lightings and all. the only thing is.. in addition to the many things happening on stage, I had to keep my eyes on the subtitle beside the stage. my eyes so busy. haha

4. I like sitting beside the new hongkie friend I made. Although I don't think he likes to be disturbed T___T

5. skyping with everyone. and realized that what an impact we both had on each other. I really miss my best friend in uni. of course i think the same way of you. 在这里真的想不到有谁可以像你包容我的鲁莽和笨拙but at the same time又不忘奚一奚落我.我在这里真的比较小心呢. 在这里真的要放精一点因为我有时真的孤立无援 T__T 我真的很想把你打包来英国. 每次你说你也要来我认真认真觉得你有一丝来的希望. 真的遗憾没有办法在大学的三年都粘在一起.. 可是真真幸运我遇见的是你. 以后可能没有那么多共同语言, 可是请不要放弃我okay. 还有谢谢你做了我一年四个月的糖粘豆.我真的很想你 :(

Thursday 24 October 2013


见到好朋友感觉真好 T___T


我很想给你们看的 T__T


Sunday 20 October 2013



这里很好  只是有点太安静
没有风扇的声音, 没有车辆的声音, 没有鸟叫, 没有狗吠
没有邻居念经的声音, 厨房的声音都听不到
或者打字的声音 ,电脑在扇风的声音
我明天就去玩耍咯!!! :D

Wednesday 9 October 2013

little things :)

few more things I have to list down:

1. It really feels good to having your own house and room key, but I discovered I'm not the only one having them
2. And to have no curfew.
3. But having someone ask about you when you come home late.
4. When housemates ask if you want to eat food they cooked.
5. Having Hali with me being the inferiors in class. Feel safe
6. Looking at the pictures I stick on my wall :)
7. Buying own food for the week.
8. Drinking water from the tap FTW
9. That printers don't come with cables. wtf?
10. To appreciate sunny days in this country that rains most of the time.
a lot of immobile people hehe
11. One blotch of water on the carpet won't dry in 10 hours.
13. Missing all of you people in Malaysia
14. Making my room as homey as possible :)
15. Making new friends :)
16. Making new friends from different countries
17. Making new friends that are Malaysian
18. Making new friends that are Malaysian and resemble you people in Malaysia.

thank you for making me feel like home. ps/ i look like a sohai here.

19. Listening to only Soda Green here because I will miss home
20. RunningMan really really help cure homesick wtf T__T
21. Living in a different time zone from everyone is quite tiring..

city of Bath
22. Can't stop loving the sophisticated architecture here :)
23. And sunny days. (I realized I mentioned it earlier)
24. When talking to people as if we were never separated before
25. I miss my dog's fur.  
26. I can cook udon mee!! though a bit salty

Tea at Sally Lunn's

27. Feeling magical talking to people 10,000kms away, separated by one or two or three fkin big ocean. (thingy it does feel amazing wtf haha)
28. Learning to be very very very generous :D
29. I don't know why but I miss korea a lot now T__T going to the not very nice de korean restaurtant again this week. i don't care
72. I love life wtf haha bye

Monday 7 October 2013

hello 4:56am in malaysia

okay before I start studying.
well I am a really lucky lucky girl, I met really good people here.
First of all I have leekherjia, who is still ridiculously unpredictable and annoying.
thanks to her I got to meet a lot of new friends,
and her kind housemates that are nice enough to cook dinner for me so often;
Hali, my mean Asian friend.
With her people won't label me as the pitiful pathetic lonely Asian girl in class wtf.
My housemates, that invite me to dinner when they see that I'm not cooking.
Especially Enrica that really helped a lot. Couldn't be more thankful.
*wipes tear dramatically*
the kelian part is.
I don't eat really well here.
I bought a lot of kit-kats and walkers&kettles chips because they are so fkin cheap.
and will eat them instead of real food.
I don't often have proper meals here. To me, rice and lauk-pauk is so luxurious.
and Hali is so hardworking sometimes she freaks me out wtf.
That's why I am going to study on the third week of the semester. wtf
Other than that I am doing really good.
Except for that tiniiii winnii moment every morning I wake up, I miss home.
Leaving all of you Malaysian things behind isn't easy though.
I'm learning and
kept reminding myself that this will most probably be the best two years of my life and I will not waste it by whining and missing home most of the time.
Oh and that day I went for a walk in the city with my camera and i-pod.
contented with a good bowl of bibimbap.
Oh by the way I'm not sure why my nostalgic heart includes korea too wtf.
I miss korea T.T
Till then :)